This girl....

Meet Kendra!  She is a dear friend of one of my friends (and neighbors)...I've met her and got to know her a few times at parties and such.  Several months back she asked me to do some photos of her, when she gets her braces off...."SURE, I'd LOVE to"  I told her.  She said she hadn't had photos done of herself since probably her high school Senior photos, and it was time to take some!  She said she'd let me know when it was time.  A few weeks ago, I get an email from that I was NOT expecting at ALL.  She asked if we could go ahead and set up a time to do her photos in the next few weeks...she went on to explain that she has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  I was speechless.  I offered to do Kendra's session for her, at no charge.  My way of giving something special to her.  We did her session on a Saturday, she cut her hair the following Thursday.  THIS Thursday she's having surgery. 

Kendra is SO full of life.  She laughed and smiled the entire time we did her photos.  You would have never been able to tell that she was just given such crazy life altering news. 

Kendra, I hope you enjoy your will be in my thoughts and prayers during your journey! 


I consider workshops an investment.  I've "invested" in three different workshops that are/were being held between April 1-mid May! 

April 1st was the Sandy Puc and Jerry Ghionis semiar.  It was AMAZING.  I got a flier in the mail back in February for it...Sarah (a photographer friend of mine) and I talked about it, but where nervous about signing up becuase we had never heard of it.  The week before the seminar we found out some other friends of ours were going, and they said it was supposed to be amazing.  So, last minute, we signed up...and it was.  Awesome!  I walked away with a ton of ideas in my brain.  (And the nigh out with the girls was pretty eventful too)

Saturday, I went to Photo Camp Ohio.  It was pretty good.  This was the first year of it being held in they have some bugs to work out.  But I did learn some things :)

In May, I'm going to Cincinnati for a 4 day workshop.  It's supposed to be awesome.  It's LONG hours, so I'll probably so tired when I come home...but hopefully it will be worth it :)  I'm excited for it!! 

Happy FIRST Birthday Kayden!

How CUTE is this little guy?!
Kayden is turning ONE in just a few short weeks.  He walked into my (in home) studio and was ready to roll.  I didn't have to sing to him, or make funny faces...he just sat down and gave me his cuteness :)

His mama brought him some presents!  And I supplied the ADORABLE Birthday Robot.  (See my friend Abby's etsy shop!)

 She also brought him a cake.  He couldn't wait to get his hands on it.  And he wasn't happen when she took it away.  He LOVED it!

Happy First Birthday Kayden :)