Janie & Chad are married! They had a beautiful ceremony at the Methodist Church in Bexley! Originally they planned to have their ceremony at the little chapel on at Capital University then a few months before their memorial day weekend wedding, they got a phone call from someone at the University telling them the church was closed because it's filled with MOLD. Fantastic news. LUCKILY they were able to find a church who wasn't booked for their wedding date!
Such a beautiful bride. We can thank Sarah for that shot :)

Janie & Chad wanted to do a first look, so that we had plenty of time for their photos. LOVE that. The front of the church has these BEAUTIFUL doors, so we HAD to use them.
Chad, whisper something dirty in her ear and make her laugh.... Don't know what he said, but it worked!
Rockin' the PINK HEALS!
Not to shabby for a last minute church, huh? :)
I LOVE this one.... That Sun was so bright, but I love this. Nice Sarah!
Lots of photos around Capital, before the reception!
Janie made all of these centerpieces, didn't she do a fabulous job?
And of course, some photobooth fun before the night was over!
Congratulations you two, I wish you a lifetime of happiness! Thank you for allowing Sarah and I to be a big part of your wedding day, we were honored to be there with you!